
Kids and Adjusting

As your Woodbridge, Dale City VA Chiropractor I treat patients of all ages.  I do hear quite often from patients do you adjust children?  Of course, I do!  Most kids are harder on their bodies than adults are.  The adjustment technique is very different for an 80 lb. kid and a 250 lb. man but the health benefits and structural changes are the same.  Here is some information by the ACA that will help you understand why it is a good idea to have your child adjusted.

According to Dr. David Sackett, the father of evidence-based medicine, there are three prongs to the evidence-based decision: clinical expertise, scientific research and patient preference. While chiropractic has more than 100 years of clinical expertise from which to draw, our profession is still quite young when it comes to its base of scientific research—a state that is even more so for one of our youngest subspecialties, chiropractic pediatrics. Dedicated researchers are working hard to fill in these gaps.  Recent studies are beginning to confirm what our century of clinical experience has already shown—that chiropractic care for children is not only safe, but also effective for a variety of pediatric conditions.

Dr. Joyce Miller and her colleagues at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in the U.K. have contributed much to our knowledge of chiropractic pediatrics in the past few years. Here is a brief summary of some of their latest studies:

Safety study: Miller et al. examined 781 pediatric patients under three years of age (73.5 percent of whom were under 13 weeks) who received a total of 5,242 chiropractic treatments at a chiropractic teaching clinic in England between 2002 and 2004.¹ There were no serious adverse effects (reaction lasting >24 hours or needing hospital care) over the three-year study period. There were seven reported minor adverse effects, such as transient crying or interrupted sleep.

Nursing study: Miller et al. also performed a clinical case series of chiropractic care for 114 infants with hospital- or lactation-consultant-diagnosed nursing dysfunction.² The average age at first visit was three weeks. All infants in the study showed some improvement, with 78 percent able to exclusively breastfeed after two to five treatments within a two-week period.

Colic: Browning et al. performed a single-blinded randomized comparison trial of the effects of spinal manipulative therapy and occipito-sacral decompression therapy on infants with colic.³ Forty-three infants younger than eight weeks of age received two weeks of chiropractic care. Two weeks and four weeks after beginning treatment, the infants in both treatment groups cried significantly less and slept significantly more than prior to receiving chiropractic care.

Long-term sequelae of colic: Research has shown that children who were colicky as infants suffer from poor behavior and disturbed sleep as toddlers. Miller et al. performed a survey of parents of 117 such toddlers who had received chiropractic care as infants vs. 111 who had not received chiropractic care.4 They found the treated toddlers were twice as likely not to experience long-term sequelae of infantile colic, such as temper tantrums and frequent nocturnal waking. In other words, colicky infants who had received chiropractic care were twice as likely to sleep well and to experience fewer temper tantrums in their toddler years.

That is just a sampling of some of the great work that is being done by the dedicated and hard-working researchers focusing on chiropractic pediatrics.


  1. Miller JE, Benfield K. Adverse effects of spinal manipulation therapy in children younger than 3 years: a retrospective study in a chiropractic teaching clinic. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2008;31(6):419-422.
  2. Miller JE, Miller L, et al. Contribution of chiropractic therapy to resolving suboptimal breastfeeding: A case series of 114 infants. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32(8):670-674.
  3. Browning M, Miller JE. Comparison of the short-term effects of chiropractic spinal manipulation and occipito-sacral decompression in the treatment of infant colic: A single-blinded, randomised, comparison trial. Clinical Chiropractic 2008;11(3):122-129.
  4. Miller JE, Phillips HL. Long-term effects of infant colic: a survey comparison of chiropractic treatment and non-treatment groups. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32(8):635-638.


Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

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What is Chiropractic?

I am still kind of surprised how many people haven’t really heard of or understand what chiropractic is.  As a chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area for over 20 years I am still periodically asked what is chiropractic.  Part of me is glad the person is asking rather than not interested or afraid because of something they read or were told by their MD.  Yea I know there are still MD’s out there that don’t know but still subscribe to what they were told in Medical school 30 years ago.  Here is a rundown on just what chiropractic is and what it can help.

Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) – often referred to as chiropractors or chiropractic physicians – practice a hands-on, drug-free approach to health care that includes patient examination, diagnosis and treatment. Chiropractors have broad diagnostic skills and are also trained to recommend therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises, as well as to provide nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counseling.

DCs may assess patients through clinical examination, laboratory testing, diagnostic imaging and other diagnostic interventions to determine when chiropractic treatment is appropriate or when it is not appropriate. Chiropractors will readily refer patients to the appropriate health care provider when chiropractic care is not suitable for the patient’s condition, or the condition warrants co-management in conjunction with other health care providers.

In many cases, such as lower back pain, chiropractic care may be a patient’s primary method of treatment. When other medical conditions exist, chiropractic services may complement or support medical treatment by relieving the musculoskeletal aspects associated with the condition.

Like their MD colleagues, doctors of chiropractic are subject to the boundaries established in state practice acts and are regulated by state licensing boards. Further, their education in four-year doctoral graduate school programs is nationally accredited through an agency that operates under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Education. After graduation, they must pass national board exams before obtaining a license to practice, and then must maintain their license annually by earning continuing education (CE) credits through state-approved CE programs.

What is Spinal Manipulation?

One of the most common and well known therapeutic procedures performed by doctors of chiropractic is spinal manipulation (sometimes referred to as a “chiropractic adjustment”). The purpose of spinal manipulation is to restore joint mobility by manually applying a controlled force into joints that have become hypomobile – or restricted in their movement – as a result of a tissue injury. Tissue injury can be caused by a single traumatic event, such as improper lifting of a heavy object, or through repetitive stresses, such as sitting in an awkward position with poor spinal posture for an extended period of time. In either case, injured tissues undergo physical and chemical changes that can cause inflammation, pain, and diminished function for an individual. Manipulation, or adjustment of the affected joint and tissues, restores mobility, thereby alleviating pain and muscle tightness, allowing tissues to heal.

Chiropractic adjustment rarely causes discomfort. However, patients may sometimes experience mild soreness or aching following treatment (as with some forms of exercise) that usually resolves within 12 to 48 hours. Compared to other common treatments for pain, such as over-the-counter and prescription pain medications, chiropractic’s conservative approach offers a safe and effective option.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Chiropractic and Yoga

As I was expertly showing my secretary how I do a headstand, I thought about how much better I felt from doing yoga.  For those of you who come in my office, those weird marks about eye level in the hallway make sense now.  Just to finish stroking my ego… I no longer need the wall.   Yoga has become very popular and has been given credit for tons of health benefits.  Your Woodbridge, Dale City VA Chiropractor wants to share some of them with you.

According to studies published in Yoga Journal, more than 16 million Americans engage in yoga, and nearly one person in every eight describes themselves as “very” or “extremely” interested in this ancient practice.

How Yoga Benefits Us All

The benefits of yoga are impressive. If you’re considering adding a yoga routine into your life, here are some of the advantages you can expect to receive:

It’s a great way to increase balance, strength, flexibility, and endurance.

It’s a wonderful way to complement a standard workout by complementing repetitive training motions.

It’s a great way to calm the mind.

It’s a perfect exercise for people of all fitness levels.

It’s an effective way to help lower blood pressure.

It helps bring awareness to negative thoughts and fears.

It increases “mindfulness.”


How Chiropractic Care Heals

The benefits of regular chiropractic care are almost too numerous to list; however, it’s very effective for treating the following conditions:

Neck and back pain

Carpal tunnel syndrome



Pain in the arms, wrists, feet, and ankles

High blood pressure



Sleep disorders

Many other health problems


Combining Yoga and Chiropractic Care

I often think of yoga and chiropractic care as the peanut butter and jelly of complementary care. Although they’re both very different methods of treatment, they combine to create a healthy treat that almost everyone can enjoy.

These two treatment methods work well together because chiropractic treatment is used to enhance the function of the neurological system by improving the relationship of the spine with the rest of the body. Once the spine is realigned, then yoga can support the strengthening of the supporting muscles through a series of poses which improve both strength and posture. Different yoga poses work to calm the central nervous system and to increase the spine’s range of motion.

The benefits don’t end on the physical level. Proponents of yoga and chiropractic care are as equally focused on the advantages that these treatments provide for the mind as well as the body. Many alternative and complementary therapies share the philosophy that total wellness can only be achieved by treating mind, body and soul.

In Conclusion

Yoga and chiropractic care are two separate philosophies that both work to better the mind, body and soul. When combined, these two methods of healthcare work together to make us stronger, more flexible and happier.

Talk to your chiropractor about yoga. Your chiropractic team knows how valuable yoga is for your health and will be able to answer any questions that you may have.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Neck inuries

Neck pain is becoming the biggest complaint I see in my Woodbridge, Dale City VA Chiropractic office.  The biggest cause seems to be posture and work related injuries from using the computer.  I am also seeing it in kids more than likely do to long periods on the computer or playing video games.  Chiropractic care can usually help with the neck complaints but making the posture and activity changes will help in the long run.   Here is some information on neck pain that you may find helpful.

Our neck, also called the cervical spine, begins at the base of the skull and contains seven small vertebrae. Incredibly, the cervical spine supports the full weight of your head, which is on average about 12 pounds. While the cervical spine can move your head in nearly every direction, this flexibility makes the neck very susceptible to pain and injury.

The neck’s susceptibility to injury is due in part to biomechanics. Activities and events that affect cervical biomechanics include extended sitting, repetitive movement, accidents, falls and blows to the body or head, normal aging, and everyday wear and tear. Neck pain can be very bothersome, and it can have a variety of causes.

Here are some of the most typical causes of neck pain:

Injury and Accidents: A sudden forced movement of the head or neck in any direction and the resulting “rebound” in the opposite direction is known as whiplash. The sudden “whipping” motion injures the surrounding and supporting tissues of the neck and head. Muscles react by tightening and contracting, creating muscle fatigue, which can result in pain and stiffness. Severe whiplash can also be associated with injury to the intervertebral joints, discs, ligaments, muscles, and nerve roots. Car accidents are the most common cause of whiplash.

Growing Older: Degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc disease directly affect the spine.

Osteoarthritis, a common joint disorder, causes progressive deterioration of cartilage. The body reacts by forming bone spurs that affect joint motion.

Spinal stenosis causes the small nerve passageways in the vertebrae to narrow, compressing and trapping nerve roots. Stenosis may cause neck, shoulder, and arm pain, as well as numbness, when these nerves are unable to function normally.

Degenerative disc disease can cause reduction in the elasticity and height of intervertebral discs. Over time, a disc may bulge or herniate, causing tingling, numbness, and pain that runs into the arm.

Daily Life: Poor posture, obesity, and weak abdominal muscles often disrupt spinal balance, causing the neck to bend forward to compensate. Stress and emotional tension can cause muscles to tighten and contract, resulting in pain and stiffness. Postural stress can contribute to chronic neck pain with symptoms extending into the upper back and the arms.

Chiropractic Care of Neck Pain

During your visit, your doctor of chiropractic will perform exams to locate the source of your pain and will ask you questions about your current symptoms and remedies you may have already tried. For example:

When did the pain start?

What have you done for your neck pain?

Does the pain radiate or travel to other parts of your body?

Does anything reduce the pain or make it worse?

Your doctor of chiropractic will also do physical and neurological exams. In the physical exam, your doctor will observe your posture, range of motion, and physical condition, noting movement that causes pain. Your doctor will feel your spine, note its curvature and alignment, and feel for muscle spasm. A check of your shoulder area is also in order. During the neurological exam, your doctor will test your reflexes, muscle strength, other nerve changes, and pain spread.

In some instances, your chiropractor might order tests to help diagnose your condition. An x-ray can show narrowed disc space, fractures, bone spurs, or arthritis. A computerized axial tomography scan (a CT or CAT scan) or a magnetic resonance imaging test (an MRI) can show bulging discs and herniations. If nerve damage is suspected, your doctor may order a special test called electromyography (an EMG) to measure how quickly your nerves respond.

Doctors of chiropractic are conservative care doctors; their scope of practice does not include the use of drugs or surgery. If your chiropractor diagnoses a condition outside of this conservative scope, such as a neck fracture or an indication of an organic disease, he or she will refer you to the appropriate medical physician or specialist. He or she may also ask for permission to inform your family physician of the care you are receiving to ensure that your chiropractic care and medical care are properly coordinated.

Neck Adjustments

A neck adjustment (also known as cervical manipulation) is a precise procedure applied to the joints of the neck, usually by hand. A neck adjustment works to improve the mobility of the spine and to restore range of motion; it can also increase movement of the adjoining muscles. Patients typically notice an improved ability to turn and tilt the head, and a reduction of pain, soreness, and stiffness.

Of course, your chiropractor will develop a program of care that may combine more than one type of treatment, depending on your personal needs. In addition to manipulation, the treatment plan may include mobilization, massage or rehabilitative exercises, or something else.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Food allergies

This time of year it is impossible to avoid the topic of allergies.  Blood shot eyes and runny noses are everywhere.  Just this morning I was trying to find the person who dumped a bag of sand in my eyes.  After a few weeks all this will go away for most of us.  The rest of you make sure you get in for an adjustment!  There are year round allergies that people suffer from that need to be addressed.  Your Woodbridge, Dale City VA chiropractor has some information on food allergies that may be helpful!

Food allergies and intolerances are often misunderstood. Although many people have adverse reactions to certain foods, true food allergy—a reaction triggered by the immune system—is uncommon. Talk to your patients about food allergies and intolerances.

What is a food allergy?

Food allergies occur when the patient’s immune system has an abnormal response to an otherwise harmless food or food component. Once the immune system mistakenly decides that a particular food is harmful, it creates specific antibodies to it.

The next time you eat that food, the immune system releases neutralizing chemicals, including histamine, to protect the body.

These chemicals trigger a cascade of allergic symptoms that can affect the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, skin and/or cardiovascular system.

Food allergy patterns in adults often differ from those in children.

The most common foods to cause allergies in adults are shrimp, lobster, crab and other shellfish; peanuts; walnuts and other tree nuts; fish; and eggs.

In children, eggs, milk, peanuts, soy and wheat are the main culprits. Children typically outgrow these allergies. Unlike children, adults usually do not lose their allergies.

According to the National Institutes of Health, you’re more likely to develop food allergies if several members of your family have allergies.

What are symptoms of food allergies?

Symptoms of a food allergy can include:


tingling in the mouth

swelling in the tongue and throat

skin reactions like hives, eczema or itching

abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

Some foods can cause severe illness and, in some cases, a life-threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis, which can constrict airways in the lungs, severely lower blood pressure and cause suffocation by the swelling of the tongue or throat. People with asthma are particularly at risk for anaphylactic reactions.

What is a food intolerance?

A food intolerance is a digestive system response—not an immune system response. It occurs when something in a food irritates a person’s digestive system or when a person is unable to properly digest or break down the food—often due to a lack of a specific enzyme.

Intolerance to lactose, found in milk and other dairy products, is a very common food intolerance.

If you have a food allergy, eating even the smallest amount of the food may trigger a serious allergic reaction. But if you have a food intolerance, you can often eat small amounts of the food without a reaction.

How are food allergies managed?

The best way to manage a food allergy is to avoid the foods that trigger the reaction.

Read the detailed ingredient lists on each food you consider eating.

Many allergy-producing foods, such as peanuts, eggs and milk, appear in foods one normally would not associate them with.

Peanuts and milk, for example, may be used in a variety of foods, such as candy, caramel sauces, baked goods and cereals.

Eggs are used in some salad dressings, marshmallows, mayonnaise and sauces.

Avoid restaurant-prepared foods that might contain ingredients to which you are allergic.

If you suffer from severe allergies with a high possibility of anaphylaxis, it is often advised to carry a pre-loaded syringe containing epinephrine (adrenaline) for emergency treatment.

Milder allergies can be treated with an antihistamine.

Can a chiropractor help treat my allergies?

Some doctors of chiropractic specialize in the treatment of allergies, such as those who are members of the ACA’s Council on Diagnosis and Internal Disorders or Council on Nutrition.

The doctor of chiropractic may ask the patient to maintain a food diary to record the foods eaten each day and any resulting symptoms.

Specific allergy tests may be recommended to help determine the exact allergen.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link