No need to stress out…

Ahhhhhhh the holidays!  A million things going a million different directions… and out of town guests!  Don’t forget to take some time to decompress from the holiday stress.  Your Woodbridge, Dale City VA chiropractor has some holiday tips to help keep you sane.


Tips to Relieve Holiday Stress:

Go for a walk.

The rhythm of walking has a tranquilizing effect on your brain. Shoot for a brisk 20 minute walk each day.

Set a budget.

Overspending is one of the biggest causes of holiday stress. Remember, the best gift you can give anyone is your time and attention.

Get some sunshine.

There’s nothing like a little fresh air and the feel-good serotonin boost we get from the sun to give us a lift.

Stick with your daily routine.

Try to maintain your regular schedule as much as possible. Your body likes routine.

Get a good night’s sleep

It’s more important than ever to schedule enough time to get your zzz’s

Don’t over schedule

It’s okay to say “no” to events that aren’t important to you. Manage your time wisely and remember the time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.

Stay well.

Though we can’t always dodge those winter germs, remind yourself and your family to take your vitamins and wash your hands.

Eat healthy.

Leave the belly to Santa. Don’t go overboard on sugary cocktails and party treats. Eat a balanced diet with lots of whole grains and veggies and drink lots of water.

Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Let go of the idea of a perfect holiday and enjoy the one you’re having. In the end, it’s all about spending time with the people you love.

Close your eyes and breathe.

Promise yourself more time to savor the best parts of the season and plan to have a worry-free, hurry-free, smile-filled holiday.


Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link

Keep your back loose to prevent injuries

As your Chiropractor in the Woodbridge, Dale City VA area I see two common low back injuries.  One is I did “This” and Bam my back went out, the other one is I have no clue what happened and my back went out.  The I don’t know type has become more common due to changes in daily activities and more desk sitting.  The I don’t know injury is usually a result of your back getting tighter over time than just one small move the wrong way and your back goes out.


Here are some daily stretches you can do to keep your back stretched and relaxed so the muscles function correctly.

  1. The Deep Squat

Stand up straight with your arms folded across your chest. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing out slightly.  Squat down as far as you can, keeping your heels on the floor. As you squat ensure your weight goes into your heels and not your toes. For a full range of movement, your bum should sit down by your heels and your head should be tall and looking forward. Perform the exercise slowly when lowering down, giving yourself time to keep control and lower all the way – or as far as your range of movement will allow.  Pause for a count of two at the bottom of the squat, allowing your groin area to relax. Your knees should be directed slightly outwards in alignment with your feet. Keeping your knees out, squeeze your gluteals and stand up out of the squat.  Only go as far as you can without any pain. As you perform the exercise regularly you will slowly but surely be able to achieve greater flexibility.  Do this for 2 sets of 10.

  1. Knee to Chest

Lie on your back, flex your knees up and do a pelvic tilt so you press your lower back flat to the floor.  Slowly and gently pull your right knee to your chest at a slight angle towards your left shoulder.  Hold for 5 seconds and release back to the bent position.  Then repeat with the opposite leg.  Do this 10 times in alternating fashion

  1. Downward Dog

Place your hands and feet on the floor, shoulder-width apart, knees bent and hips high.  Your heels should be off the floor at this point. Relax your head and neck so you are looking towards your knees.  Do a pelvic tilt so your lower back is arched and your spine is straight.  Now straighten your arms and pull your shoulder blades together. Straighten your knees as well.    You may lose the arch in your low back but don’t allow your lumbar spine to flex.  This will require a good abdominal squeeze to maintain the lumbar arch.  Hold for 30 seconds and relax.  Repeat 5 times.

  1. Spine twists

Sit down with your legs loosely crossed. Pull your back up tall and stick your chest out so that you are sitting upright with perfect posture. Fold your arms across your chest.  Tighten your abs so that your pelvis is stable. Then slowly turn your head and shoulders to one side. Turn as far as you can and you will feel the stretch in the rib area. Hold the end position for a count of two and then turn across to the other side and repeat.  Perform two sets of 10 repetitions each side.

Do not force any of these exercises and if you feel any discomfort stop.  Keeping your low back stretched will help you prevent some low back injuries but routine chiropractic visits with these stretches can help prevent the big injuries.  Of course injuries are inevitable but if your try to prevent the preventable ones you can eliminate a lot of pain from your life.



Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map link

Chiropractic and Yoga

As I was expertly showing my secretary how I do a headstand, I thought about how much better I felt from doing yoga.  For those of you who come in my office, those weird marks about eye level in the hallway make sense now.  Just to finish stroking my ego… I no longer need the wall.   Yoga has become very popular and has been given credit for tons of health benefits.  Your Woodbridge, Dale City VA Chiropractor wants to share some of them with you.

According to studies published in Yoga Journal, more than 16 million Americans engage in yoga, and nearly one person in every eight describes themselves as “very” or “extremely” interested in this ancient practice.

How Yoga Benefits Us All

The benefits of yoga are impressive. If you’re considering adding a yoga routine into your life, here are some of the advantages you can expect to receive:

It’s a great way to increase balance, strength, flexibility, and endurance.

It’s a wonderful way to complement a standard workout by complementing repetitive training motions.

It’s a great way to calm the mind.

It’s a perfect exercise for people of all fitness levels.

It’s an effective way to help lower blood pressure.

It helps bring awareness to negative thoughts and fears.

It increases “mindfulness.”


How Chiropractic Care Heals

The benefits of regular chiropractic care are almost too numerous to list; however, it’s very effective for treating the following conditions:

Neck and back pain

Carpal tunnel syndrome



Pain in the arms, wrists, feet, and ankles

High blood pressure



Sleep disorders

Many other health problems


Combining Yoga and Chiropractic Care

I often think of yoga and chiropractic care as the peanut butter and jelly of complementary care. Although they’re both very different methods of treatment, they combine to create a healthy treat that almost everyone can enjoy.

These two treatment methods work well together because chiropractic treatment is used to enhance the function of the neurological system by improving the relationship of the spine with the rest of the body. Once the spine is realigned, then yoga can support the strengthening of the supporting muscles through a series of poses which improve both strength and posture. Different yoga poses work to calm the central nervous system and to increase the spine’s range of motion.

The benefits don’t end on the physical level. Proponents of yoga and chiropractic care are as equally focused on the advantages that these treatments provide for the mind as well as the body. Many alternative and complementary therapies share the philosophy that total wellness can only be achieved by treating mind, body and soul.

In Conclusion

Yoga and chiropractic care are two separate philosophies that both work to better the mind, body and soul. When combined, these two methods of healthcare work together to make us stronger, more flexible and happier.

Talk to your chiropractor about yoga. Your chiropractic team knows how valuable yoga is for your health and will be able to answer any questions that you may have.





Doroski Chiropractic Neurology

3122 Golansky Blvd, Ste 102

Woodbridge VA 22192

703 730 9588

Map Link